Abdelhamid Elmajmaii

Published on 12 February 2024 at 16:12


International Moroccan artist Hasnaa El Tour. Oxygen of wandering and abstract creativity…and culture that speaks through the canvas…

Art is creativity to shape reality and embody the beauty that the eyes have not seen. Each of us sees beauty with one eye except the artist who sees beauty through the eyes of artistic creativity, which is represented for him in all faces and with eyes that differ from each other.

From here, the tapestry is created and the canvas is left to speak with its silent spirit that it creates through the colors. Which she finds suitable for the image that she saw and embodied in an abstract or real form as others see it or Syriac or other types of artistic formation that he sees and embodies…

Today with us is an artist who flew far away with colorful wings and crossed the borders of her country to draw another world from her world that she loves. She began writing in newspapers. But she felt that the letters alone could not express those creative feelings inside her, because her surroundings and world are more beautiful than what her letters write. She sees beauty through the colors saturated with the light of the wise… and ugliness through the darkness camped in the minds of the ignorant, which she tries to banish to her forgotten islands in the depths of her world. The authentic artist… yes, she is the Moroccan artist who loves the world of culture and creativity, Hasna Al-Tur… from the city of white marble, Casablanca, who embraces the world of brilliance with a spirit as transparent as the spirit of her artists, intellectuals and beautiful landmarks.

She is creative and draws faces as the companions of a facial beauty salon draw them. This is how she describes the picture as if it were a real face. She is Who controls the manifestation of beauty in him, and she is the one who makes the soul in him that the recipient looks at and speaks to and speaks to him as if it were a piece of the soul of a mute, speaking body… like a pen that writes its mute letters without you hearing a whisper to it, except for lines that guide you to what he wants to say… An artist was not satisfied with drawing

The beauty in her country, Morocco, with all the beauty of the country, nature, sea coasts, and the strait from which men set out to build the largest country and civilization, Andalusia. Rather, she traveled to France and then America to find herself surrounded by a world other than her damaged world, and she defied all those difficulties to draw it and embody it on her canvas with the abstraction of painting and pain. Parting and the longing to return to her nest, where she sees eternal tranquility. She considers painting the oxygen of the world that immortalizes it and gives it life.

Every civilization that was discovered was known through its artists, sculptures and drawings. She has more than sixty pieces of art in which she imitates her world according to what she wants and with the eyes of her alone that sees it and embodies it with her breath, to show the world their inner world with the colors that she carries without affectation. Exhibitions were held for her, she was honored with many international festivals and certificates of appreciation, and newspapers, magazines, and websites wrote about her immortal creativity.
My darling is creative.


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